Watermills Place, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, W34 DT27
Tully Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare, R51 X726
Tel: 045-550 051
Please request online
Details of the request will be forwarded to the appropriate doctor. Once approved, the certificate will be emailed or posted to you. In some instances, you may be required to see the doctor before receiving a sickness certificate. Please note it is the policy of the surgery not to routinely provide certificates confirming illness to schools.
It is no longer necessary to attend in person to collect your certificate
If you are absent from work for more than five working days, you are entitled to claim a Social Welfare Benefit. If you wish to apply to the DEASP for Illness Benefit
Please request online
We will arrange to send a certificate to the DEASP for you. To obtain the initial Social Welfare Certificate you must be reviewed by a doctor and you need to have your PPS Number available. After the initial review you will be provided with a certificate until you are fit to return to work. Once you are deemed fit, you will be provided with a final social welfare certificate. You can access more information from www.citizensinformation.ie.
It is no longer necessary to collect your certificate in person
If we receive a request for a private medical attendant’s report from an insurance company on your behalf, it is the policy of the Watermills Family Practice not to disclose medical information without first contacting the patient. We will comply with this even if the you have signed a written consent allowing disclosure and viewing the records. Should you chose not to disclose certain information you must inform the surgery of this in writing. Please note that the surgery will not be held responsible for any impact that the sharing of medical information may have once you choose to disclose it to a third party.
Other forms: If you require who other medical forms e.g. Fitness to Travel, to be completed by the doctor you will need to contact the reception team to make an appointment. Driving licence forms also require you to be examined by the doctor in all cases, so please contact the reception team to make an appointment.